Column & Boom Hire

Largest range of Column & Booms for hire in the UK.

Spectrum's 42 year expertise offers stock options, delivery, install, commissioning, and operator training in accordance with DNV ISO 3834.

Column and boom sub arc welding requires specific equipment configuration, and we're here to offer full guidance and support.

Call 01246 205 267 for the best CaB set up.

column and boom

  • 2 x 2 column and boom submerged arc welding manipulator

    2 x 2 column and boom welding manipulator for hire

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  • Spectrum 10 tonne adjustable height positioner with 2.8 x 2.3 sub arc welder-1

    2.8 x 2.3 column and boom welder manipulator for hire

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  • 3 x 3 Coumn boom

    3 x 3 column and boom welding manipulator for hire

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  • 4 x 4 column and boom welding manipulator for hire

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  • 5 x 5 Column and Boom for hire

    5 x 5 column and boom welding manipulator for hire

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  • hire BODE 6 x 6 column and boom DC1000 NA5 sub arc welder with vessel rotators

    6 x 6 column and boom welding manipulator for hire

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FAQ's for Column and Boom System.

What size Column and Boom do I need?

The stated size of a column & boom system relates to its height clearance and travel distance dimensions, not its overall height and width. So a 3m x 3m column and boom arm can be raised to 3000mm (floor to the underside of boom arm), and the boom arm can traverse 3000mm from point A to point B (a 3m x 3m model 3000mm travel boom arm is approx. 5000mm long in total). A 3m x 3m model C&B is 4100mm tall, and can only get over 2.3mtr cylinders if the cylinder is sat on welding rotators (which raise the job up approx. 500mm), making the cylinder height 2800mm. For silos up to 3.3mtr diameter for example, you'll need a 4m x 4m model column and boom, which are 5300mm tall. 

Will a column and boom system fit in my building?

Column & Booms Manipulators can be very tall and wide, and insufficient building height under the crane hook is a major issue to consider, both in terms of initial access and operating space. For example a 5m x 5m column & boom is 6.4 metres tall. You typically need an overhead crane with at least 500mm minimum clearance from the top of the column and boom to the hook (or the crane beam / whichever is lowest) once fulled raised (so the crane can safely pass over once stood up), and a powerful forklift truck at the column base to control the lift whilst being errected, and prevent the C&B base from swinging like a pendulum once vertical.

Does a column and boom need to be a static base or travelling base?

A static base model column & boom is infinity easier to setup and position in a workshop, and can typically reach the weld prep when positioned close by to the job.

If the boom arm need to travel down a long cylinder made up of multiple sections, then a travelling base model is required, along with floor mounted rail, to be setup adjacent a cylinder so it can run alongside parallel. A travelling base is a more complex setup, and requires a lot more workshop space, but means you can access all seams to be welded without needing to lift a cylinder on the crane into a position so the static base can reach the prep. A travelling base column and boom can also be used to do external longitudinal seam welds down the length of cylinder down the length of track that the base sits on.

What is included in a Column & Boom package?

A column & boom hire package typically includes:

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